Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Medical Info

This is dr. Iskandar J' health care website, a program and sourcess of health information. This is a cyber health communication for all of you. In this website you may get update medical information and books that I author it. You may also asking all things regarding matter of health, diseases, pharmacy, and others medical information needed.

Just for your information until now I already wrote some books, published by BIP-Gramedia, i.e:
- Panduan Praktis Stroke
- Menuju hidup sehat & Awet muda
- The Power of Soul for Great Health
- Seri kesehatan populer: Stroke A-Z, Rematik & Asam urat, Alergi & Asma, Migren dan Sakit
kepala, Kanker, Osteoporosis
- Buku lainnya segera terbit

- Permintaan Seminar, Presentasi
- Sponsor artikel pada buku
- Pembelian buku on line

Harga (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim):
- Menuju Hidup Sehat&Awet muda (uk.15x22 cm, 170 hlm), Rp. 52,000,
- The Power of Soul for Great Health (uk.14x21 cm, 221 hlm), Rp. 58,000,
- Seri Kesehatan Populer: Stroke A-Z, Alergi & Asma, Rematik & Asam urat, Kanker, Osteoporosis, Migren dan Sakit kepala (uk.12x16 cm, 90 hlm), @ Rp. 40,000.

- Setelah dibayar via transfer bank, konfirmasikan melalui SMS dan atau email (nama pengirim, bank, no account)
- Sebutkan nama buku yang dipesan
- Alamat pengiriman: Nama, alamat, kota, kode pos
- Kiriman tiba sekitar 7 hari kerja setelah konfirmasi.

Info dan Pendaftaran Club Sehat dokter keluarga
Visit: www.clubsehat.blogspot.com

Summary books that already published :
Menuju Hidup Sehat
The Power of Soul
Kesehatan Populer

Donasi sukarela: BCA. acc. 0350638911

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi:
SMS only: 0816 970735
Email: serpong@centrin.net.id

Visit: www.clubsehat.blogspot.com atau www.dr-iskandar.blogspot.com

Thank you for visiting my website.

Have a nice day & God Bless you all,

dr. Iskandar Junaidi